Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boss Picture ...

A picture taken at Skypark. Does it really look like a boss portrait? haha . I realized one thing. I dun really seem to aged much at all. haha .. Starting of 2011 if time allows, i will pick up photography as a form of hobby. Quite a worthwhile investment if you would ask me. Alright, nothing much to say for nw. Till the next time, adieus amigos.

Kenneth T.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Skypark @ Marina Bay Sands ...

Sunday afternoon i had a great day. After so much things have happened, i decided to take time off and to relax myself. Met Douglas (godson) at Marina Bay Sands & then proceeded to Skypark to take pictures. From Basement 1 to 56th storey, it only took us 25+ secs. Amazingly fast. The moment we reach the viewing area, we were greeted by a spectacular view of Singapore skyline. It was really beautiful. There was also a balloon sculpturer, a magician and live band too. We took quite alot of pics and from my own camera, this was my favourite.

After staying up there for like an hour, we decided to have dinner at Marina Square as the food at Skypark was really expensive. Imgaine a 600ml bottle of Mineral Water being charged at $4. Quite crazy. We took the lift down, left Marina Bay Sands, walked through Helix Bridge towards Marina Square area. The night view was really good and of course we did took some pictures of night view too. Dinner was so so and after dinner was coffee at Starbuck. Had such a good time relaxing there, chatting and just watching the people walked past.

I reached home close to 12am as i took a lift from Douglas's dad who actually drives a Mercedez Van .. The van was really spacious and comfortable inside. Reached home, bathed and then did my quiet time. Was really thankful to the Lord for allowing me to have such a great day of rest too. Looking forward to the next trip to be planned too.

Kenneth T.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Food Poisoning ...

Last nite already having a bad headache and whole body not well. First time in my life slept at 8pm+... Kept waking up on & off during the night and having a hard time sleeping as my headache was torturing me. Then this morning condition worsens. Woke up at a pretty late timing but still feeling the effects. Out of no choice, had to really see a doctor as i was having diarrhoea too. Then the doctor after assessing me told me i had food poisoning. I was surprised and he prescribed me some medicine. Below are the food which i took for yesterday, i wonder what was the thing that caused my food poisoning.

1. Lunch was at Rusnah Cafe (Normal food which i usually ate)
2. Was in town for some errands & ate a dessert (Mango sago + pomelo thingy)
3. Reached back office & bought a Japanese Bread + Slurpee
4. No dinner as headache was already a killer and slept at 8pm+

Anyway, the damage is already done so just have to be more careful of what i eat from now on. Sou texted me & asked this "Are you still in India?" ... I saw it but was too tired to reply funny remarks and just texted him "Food poisoning". Well, gotta end here now. Just took medication and should rest more else tml i can't be in school again. Nitez everyone.

Kenneth T.

Friday, October 1, 2010

28yrs & counting ...

28yrs of my life ... What can i say more than that of God being faithful ^^

This year's birthday is very different. haha .. cos Bible Sch in the morning, noon time with many errands to run and evening to night time music sch .. well, tat occupys my whole day ~ Had wanted to go shopping & pamper myself but guess that will have to push to another day ^^ Hopefully able to spend time with friends or family members for a meal or so ^^

More updates to come ... hopefully. ^^

Kenneth T.