Saturday, January 30, 2010

Perspective ...

Note : If you are one who is easily offended, pls do not continue to look at the below text. It might upset your system ^^

The new generation are always affected by what the old generation wanna retain in which they think is most suitable. Not being ready to try new things will also have the same old results despite numerous tries. Tat itself will tax ppl out & only start to burn out their enthusiasm faster instead of fanning the flame.

More oftenly, trying out new ideas carries a certain amount of risk but we need to tke tat risk else we will never knw wat it can produce. Like planting a seed, we are actually taking a risk too cos not every seed will bring in fruits but if we dun even sow, then dun expect any fruits.

Some who sees tis post might think i am angry or wanna prove a point or smething. I'm not angry or wat but just disappointed. I'm one who dun have the mentality of "Aiya, nvm la. Just let it be la." I rather voice out than just keep quiet about it. As to whether the situation changes or nt, at least i did my part in sounding it out. Young or old, it doesn't matter as we still need ppl to keep us in check.

Well, decided to end abruptly. If i continue on, wonder how long tis post will be. I just wanna encourage all who have screened till tis part to always have a open mentality approach. Dun make urself a prune and frown off any possibilities. End of the day, think of the objectives you wanna achieve.

Note : Again, i have to emphasize that some might or might not agree with wat's being said but well, it's a personal perspective & you decide wat you believe in.

Kenneth T.

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