Wednesday, February 3, 2010

iPod Touch & Motorola Walkie Talkie (T5583) ...

Hmm, recently saw alot of iPod Touch on sales ... Nw waiting for the price to really drop so as to get a superb deal on it. MP3 / eBible & etc application in which i can utilise for travelling purposes. A splendid gadget to have in the near future for mission trips. End of the day, it's a Want and not a Need. haha ... Can live without it.

Another gadget which i saw was the Motorola Walkie Talkie (T5583). I already have one pair of it in yellow color which I used for the training of my cadets every friday but would be good to have one more pair to better facilitate the training program. Sim Lim Square is selling it at ard $90+ but Themis found out that Challenger is selling the same pair for it's members for only $68/-! Thank you Themis for the info ~ Haha .. So here's a shout-out to all "Can a Challenger Member pls stand up, pls stand up."

If anyone have good deals on both iPod Touch & Walkie Talkies, pls let me knw ya ^_^ Haha ... Thank you thank you.

Kenneth T.

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