Sunday, February 28, 2010

Light As A Feather ...

A great day today ^_^

Alot of concerns which i realised i dun need to take it upon myself cos at the end of the day, God is still the one in control. A lot of other burdens lifted off today and I felt light once again. A little late but i learnt hw to let go wholeheartedly & submit it to the Lord for His hand is always on us.

Though i am not rich and have not alot of things in life, i am so blessed to knw that I still have so many ppl around me who accepted me as who I am and the best thing is this, God is still with me. ^_^

Dun really know what to say cos really very excited and if i were to continue typing, wonder when it will end. hahaha ... March is here. The hectic month is finally starting but i knw that it will turn out well for the joy of the Lord is with me.

To all you out there, trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding and in all your ways, acknowledge Him & He will set your paths straight. ^_^

Super Abundant Blessings,
Kenneth T.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Busy March ...

March is approaching ... And a typical week for me until 26th Mar will be as follows:

Mon : Half Day @ Music Sch / Half Day @ Student Placement
Tue : Full Day @ Servicepoint
Wed : Full Day @ Servicepoint / Evening @ HMIC
Thur : Half Day @ Servicepoint / Half Day @ Music Sch
Fri : Half Day @ Student Placement / Half Day @ BPS
Sat : Full Day @ Servicepoint [Soccer as & when applicable]
Sun : Half Day @ HMIC / Half Day @ Home

It's gonna be a tiring month but don't really have much of a choice. A good time to see how far i can stretch myself and definitely a great challenge for me too. Lord, strengthen & teach me how to balance up all these. You are still my priority. ^_^

Despite the packed schedule, it's gonna be a great test to see how committed I will be to the Lord in terms of QT, reading of His Word and church. Exciting ...

Kenneth T.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Everybody's Important ...

Woke up this morning feeling heavy & i asked myself what's going on. Rec'd 2 letters which really sets my mood down the valley. Lord, i know You will make a way out for me.

Was praying today and was so comforted by the Lord. I felt peace once again & I know that He still has greater use for me. I just pray that i will not be affected by what my eyes see nor what my ears hear. Everybody is bound to hit the wall during some point in their life but I know that the Lord is there still. It's not about we getting lost in midway but about us not seeking. It's not about us having not but about us not desiring for more of Him. Everything is prepared for us but we are the ones whom doesn't take it.

It's true that the Lord is everywhere but yet we are the ones whom set that boundary & space for God to exist within. To a extent tat we must beg God to show Himself before we can start to convince our beings of His presence. I dun believe that God operate in this fashion. People, dun beg anymore. God is our Father and the Father desires to bless us. Just ask ... and it shall be given.

I just wanna encourage us today that God is our Father who is always there for us. If u feel tired, strength comes from Him. If you feel lost, wisdom comes from Him. If you need a breakthrough, victory comes from Him. Dun rely on our own strength anymore for it is limited. God is unlimited. Surrender once again to Him. Lord, i pray for this generation. I pray that the young people will build themselves by Your standards & show the world that Christ lives in them. Nobody's greater than You & nobody's too least for You. It's Your desire that no men perishes & Lord i pray we will catch a hold of Your great commission and to bring Your Word to the ends of the earth.

Kenneth T.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yoke Easy, Burden Light ...

In Matthew 11:25-30, Jesus appeals to those who experience life as one unending chore. He offers rest and refreshment. His yoke is easy & His burden is light.

I'm starting to feel the fatigue settling in. So many things have been rushing into my head and i just feel like shouting into heaven "GOD, STOP ME FROM SEEING THINGS WHICH I DUN WANNA SEE OR KNOW OR HEAR ... WHY DO I HAVE TO GO THROUGH ALL THESE" Over the years as a believer, i realised it's easy to show genuine care & love for people through fellowship & activities but it's not easy when the responses you get back is not what you had expected.

End of the day, what really hurts me is when i see people making disoriented decision & walking down a path which is gonna affect themselves. I know that it's a choice which everybody make for themselves but oh does it hurts me. But praise God for one thing i know for sure, He is still in control of all things. Lord, I pray You will strengthen & show me a new paradigm on how to love Your people even more.

My burden is still for young people as they are the Joshua generation. They will be a generation whom is gonna do greater exploits for the Lord in this ending days. Lord, the burden is heavy but I feel really happy in anticipation of seeing young people doing so well in You. And that is when the words of Christ came back to me: “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.

This is a personal prayer & i pray that you will keep me in prayers too. "Father, humble & teach me once again on loving Your people. Strengthen me as i continue to bring Your Word of Life into people's life and prepare the hearts of those whom will be listening. Lord, change me & mould me to be the man You want me to be. Nothing about me & everytihng about You. Let my heart be vulnerable before You & that Your rest & refreshment be in my life. Lord, i surrender all the situations and hindrance before You & i pray for Your guidance. Let signs & wonders be more evident all around to bring You glory & honor. In Jesus name i pray, Amen & Amen."


* To those whom I've offended in one way or another, i offer my most sincerest apologies.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

iPod Touch & Motorola Walkie Talkie (T5583) ...

Hmm, recently saw alot of iPod Touch on sales ... Nw waiting for the price to really drop so as to get a superb deal on it. MP3 / eBible & etc application in which i can utilise for travelling purposes. A splendid gadget to have in the near future for mission trips. End of the day, it's a Want and not a Need. haha ... Can live without it.

Another gadget which i saw was the Motorola Walkie Talkie (T5583). I already have one pair of it in yellow color which I used for the training of my cadets every friday but would be good to have one more pair to better facilitate the training program. Sim Lim Square is selling it at ard $90+ but Themis found out that Challenger is selling the same pair for it's members for only $68/-! Thank you Themis for the info ~ Haha .. So here's a shout-out to all "Can a Challenger Member pls stand up, pls stand up."

If anyone have good deals on both iPod Touch & Walkie Talkies, pls let me knw ya ^_^ Haha ... Thank you thank you.

Kenneth T.