Friday, November 19, 2010

Recommended Links ...

Hi Hi,

Here are two links in which i really like and the reasons why i liked it. Hope you guys can subscribe to it & enjoy.

The first link is this =

This particular link is uniquely youth and very on the cutting edge. Many latest news pertaining to churches culture can be found here too. The author shows no reservation in his comments and gives his honest feedbacks on what he feels about those issues that surfaces. Quite a good blog if people were to ask me.

The second link is this =

Some people will refer to this website as a junk website but to me, i think we can learn something from this too. It's where tis particular guy comments harshly on churches and those propagandas which he just don't like at all. I take it as a means to actually introduce and not correct people's perspective in the way how they always have negative mindsets about what God is doing. Beware, not for the faint-hearted as it contains some coarse language.

Kenneth T.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boss Picture ...

A picture taken at Skypark. Does it really look like a boss portrait? haha . I realized one thing. I dun really seem to aged much at all. haha .. Starting of 2011 if time allows, i will pick up photography as a form of hobby. Quite a worthwhile investment if you would ask me. Alright, nothing much to say for nw. Till the next time, adieus amigos.

Kenneth T.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Skypark @ Marina Bay Sands ...

Sunday afternoon i had a great day. After so much things have happened, i decided to take time off and to relax myself. Met Douglas (godson) at Marina Bay Sands & then proceeded to Skypark to take pictures. From Basement 1 to 56th storey, it only took us 25+ secs. Amazingly fast. The moment we reach the viewing area, we were greeted by a spectacular view of Singapore skyline. It was really beautiful. There was also a balloon sculpturer, a magician and live band too. We took quite alot of pics and from my own camera, this was my favourite.

After staying up there for like an hour, we decided to have dinner at Marina Square as the food at Skypark was really expensive. Imgaine a 600ml bottle of Mineral Water being charged at $4. Quite crazy. We took the lift down, left Marina Bay Sands, walked through Helix Bridge towards Marina Square area. The night view was really good and of course we did took some pictures of night view too. Dinner was so so and after dinner was coffee at Starbuck. Had such a good time relaxing there, chatting and just watching the people walked past.

I reached home close to 12am as i took a lift from Douglas's dad who actually drives a Mercedez Van .. The van was really spacious and comfortable inside. Reached home, bathed and then did my quiet time. Was really thankful to the Lord for allowing me to have such a great day of rest too. Looking forward to the next trip to be planned too.

Kenneth T.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Food Poisoning ...

Last nite already having a bad headache and whole body not well. First time in my life slept at 8pm+... Kept waking up on & off during the night and having a hard time sleeping as my headache was torturing me. Then this morning condition worsens. Woke up at a pretty late timing but still feeling the effects. Out of no choice, had to really see a doctor as i was having diarrhoea too. Then the doctor after assessing me told me i had food poisoning. I was surprised and he prescribed me some medicine. Below are the food which i took for yesterday, i wonder what was the thing that caused my food poisoning.

1. Lunch was at Rusnah Cafe (Normal food which i usually ate)
2. Was in town for some errands & ate a dessert (Mango sago + pomelo thingy)
3. Reached back office & bought a Japanese Bread + Slurpee
4. No dinner as headache was already a killer and slept at 8pm+

Anyway, the damage is already done so just have to be more careful of what i eat from now on. Sou texted me & asked this "Are you still in India?" ... I saw it but was too tired to reply funny remarks and just texted him "Food poisoning". Well, gotta end here now. Just took medication and should rest more else tml i can't be in school again. Nitez everyone.

Kenneth T.

Friday, October 1, 2010

28yrs & counting ...

28yrs of my life ... What can i say more than that of God being faithful ^^

This year's birthday is very different. haha .. cos Bible Sch in the morning, noon time with many errands to run and evening to night time music sch .. well, tat occupys my whole day ~ Had wanted to go shopping & pamper myself but guess that will have to push to another day ^^ Hopefully able to spend time with friends or family members for a meal or so ^^

More updates to come ... hopefully. ^^

Kenneth T.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

HMTC Vidz ...

I'm not very good with video so here's one which i did. ^^ There's so many nice pics i had wanted to put inside this vidz so decided to just select a few and use it as a trial version. Hopefully the better and newest one will come out soon! Enjoy ~ ^_^

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

6 Months Have Past ...

Hi all,

God is amazing.

The last post i made was on 30th March being the first day of School and funny enough, exactly 6 months have past and i am back here due to a lesson which touches on the power of Media. haha .. God is indeed funny. Well, here it goes.

During this 6 months, so many topics have been covered and so many new things taught. There are also many happenings but one thing i need to highlight is that i've been always reminded by the Holy Spirit that changes comes from within and it always starts from me. No one is perfect in life and yet we should also not let this be a convenient excuse for us not to change too.

Honestly, there's too many things to be written and i dun think i have the time to write it all down. I just know that God is doing something great even as we continue our daily life. He has always been faithful and will always be. Amen. ^_^

Kenneth T.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Commencement Of Course ...

Been quite some time since i last blogged. Here are some fresh updates ~

Today is the first day of school & the opening lecture is titled "The Person of the Holy Spirit" ... Below are some of the many things we learnt today just to name a few:

1. Qualities of the HS.
2. The HS being the active agent in creation.
3. The Seven Expressions
4. Baptism Unto Life / Baptism Unto Power
5. Relation of the HS to Interpretation
and many more ...

After that was cleaning duties & a good time to work out too. Tiring but was fun. Finally managed to rectify the extension cable's problem else we will be experiencing black-out every time we flick on tat switch. lolx .. [We tried testing the switch and we keep having black-out for ard 10 times on last friday? haha] ...

Okok. Need to rest early for tml is another long day ahead. Excited to see wat awaits us ^_^


Kenneth T.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Never Ending Route March ...

Went back for Military Reservist Route March Training [6th March].

Was physically demanding and very very exhaustive.

Walked in SAFTI MI like never before in Full Battle Order with Dummy Rifle and kept going & going & going & going.

By the time we ended the whole thing, it was already 5pm+.

Took a cab back with 3 friends & it was quiet throughout the journey back.

Reached home, cleared some emails, settled some stuff and then off to lala land.

Woke up the next day @ 4pm.

Still feeling tired even as i update here and my legs are still heavy & sore.

Next upcoming Route March : 20th March '10.

Kenneth T.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Light As A Feather ...

A great day today ^_^

Alot of concerns which i realised i dun need to take it upon myself cos at the end of the day, God is still the one in control. A lot of other burdens lifted off today and I felt light once again. A little late but i learnt hw to let go wholeheartedly & submit it to the Lord for His hand is always on us.

Though i am not rich and have not alot of things in life, i am so blessed to knw that I still have so many ppl around me who accepted me as who I am and the best thing is this, God is still with me. ^_^

Dun really know what to say cos really very excited and if i were to continue typing, wonder when it will end. hahaha ... March is here. The hectic month is finally starting but i knw that it will turn out well for the joy of the Lord is with me.

To all you out there, trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding and in all your ways, acknowledge Him & He will set your paths straight. ^_^

Super Abundant Blessings,
Kenneth T.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Busy March ...

March is approaching ... And a typical week for me until 26th Mar will be as follows:

Mon : Half Day @ Music Sch / Half Day @ Student Placement
Tue : Full Day @ Servicepoint
Wed : Full Day @ Servicepoint / Evening @ HMIC
Thur : Half Day @ Servicepoint / Half Day @ Music Sch
Fri : Half Day @ Student Placement / Half Day @ BPS
Sat : Full Day @ Servicepoint [Soccer as & when applicable]
Sun : Half Day @ HMIC / Half Day @ Home

It's gonna be a tiring month but don't really have much of a choice. A good time to see how far i can stretch myself and definitely a great challenge for me too. Lord, strengthen & teach me how to balance up all these. You are still my priority. ^_^

Despite the packed schedule, it's gonna be a great test to see how committed I will be to the Lord in terms of QT, reading of His Word and church. Exciting ...

Kenneth T.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Everybody's Important ...

Woke up this morning feeling heavy & i asked myself what's going on. Rec'd 2 letters which really sets my mood down the valley. Lord, i know You will make a way out for me.

Was praying today and was so comforted by the Lord. I felt peace once again & I know that He still has greater use for me. I just pray that i will not be affected by what my eyes see nor what my ears hear. Everybody is bound to hit the wall during some point in their life but I know that the Lord is there still. It's not about we getting lost in midway but about us not seeking. It's not about us having not but about us not desiring for more of Him. Everything is prepared for us but we are the ones whom doesn't take it.

It's true that the Lord is everywhere but yet we are the ones whom set that boundary & space for God to exist within. To a extent tat we must beg God to show Himself before we can start to convince our beings of His presence. I dun believe that God operate in this fashion. People, dun beg anymore. God is our Father and the Father desires to bless us. Just ask ... and it shall be given.

I just wanna encourage us today that God is our Father who is always there for us. If u feel tired, strength comes from Him. If you feel lost, wisdom comes from Him. If you need a breakthrough, victory comes from Him. Dun rely on our own strength anymore for it is limited. God is unlimited. Surrender once again to Him. Lord, i pray for this generation. I pray that the young people will build themselves by Your standards & show the world that Christ lives in them. Nobody's greater than You & nobody's too least for You. It's Your desire that no men perishes & Lord i pray we will catch a hold of Your great commission and to bring Your Word to the ends of the earth.

Kenneth T.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yoke Easy, Burden Light ...

In Matthew 11:25-30, Jesus appeals to those who experience life as one unending chore. He offers rest and refreshment. His yoke is easy & His burden is light.

I'm starting to feel the fatigue settling in. So many things have been rushing into my head and i just feel like shouting into heaven "GOD, STOP ME FROM SEEING THINGS WHICH I DUN WANNA SEE OR KNOW OR HEAR ... WHY DO I HAVE TO GO THROUGH ALL THESE" Over the years as a believer, i realised it's easy to show genuine care & love for people through fellowship & activities but it's not easy when the responses you get back is not what you had expected.

End of the day, what really hurts me is when i see people making disoriented decision & walking down a path which is gonna affect themselves. I know that it's a choice which everybody make for themselves but oh does it hurts me. But praise God for one thing i know for sure, He is still in control of all things. Lord, I pray You will strengthen & show me a new paradigm on how to love Your people even more.

My burden is still for young people as they are the Joshua generation. They will be a generation whom is gonna do greater exploits for the Lord in this ending days. Lord, the burden is heavy but I feel really happy in anticipation of seeing young people doing so well in You. And that is when the words of Christ came back to me: “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”.

This is a personal prayer & i pray that you will keep me in prayers too. "Father, humble & teach me once again on loving Your people. Strengthen me as i continue to bring Your Word of Life into people's life and prepare the hearts of those whom will be listening. Lord, change me & mould me to be the man You want me to be. Nothing about me & everytihng about You. Let my heart be vulnerable before You & that Your rest & refreshment be in my life. Lord, i surrender all the situations and hindrance before You & i pray for Your guidance. Let signs & wonders be more evident all around to bring You glory & honor. In Jesus name i pray, Amen & Amen."


* To those whom I've offended in one way or another, i offer my most sincerest apologies.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

iPod Touch & Motorola Walkie Talkie (T5583) ...

Hmm, recently saw alot of iPod Touch on sales ... Nw waiting for the price to really drop so as to get a superb deal on it. MP3 / eBible & etc application in which i can utilise for travelling purposes. A splendid gadget to have in the near future for mission trips. End of the day, it's a Want and not a Need. haha ... Can live without it.

Another gadget which i saw was the Motorola Walkie Talkie (T5583). I already have one pair of it in yellow color which I used for the training of my cadets every friday but would be good to have one more pair to better facilitate the training program. Sim Lim Square is selling it at ard $90+ but Themis found out that Challenger is selling the same pair for it's members for only $68/-! Thank you Themis for the info ~ Haha .. So here's a shout-out to all "Can a Challenger Member pls stand up, pls stand up."

If anyone have good deals on both iPod Touch & Walkie Talkies, pls let me knw ya ^_^ Haha ... Thank you thank you.

Kenneth T.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Perspective ...

Note : If you are one who is easily offended, pls do not continue to look at the below text. It might upset your system ^^

The new generation are always affected by what the old generation wanna retain in which they think is most suitable. Not being ready to try new things will also have the same old results despite numerous tries. Tat itself will tax ppl out & only start to burn out their enthusiasm faster instead of fanning the flame.

More oftenly, trying out new ideas carries a certain amount of risk but we need to tke tat risk else we will never knw wat it can produce. Like planting a seed, we are actually taking a risk too cos not every seed will bring in fruits but if we dun even sow, then dun expect any fruits.

Some who sees tis post might think i am angry or wanna prove a point or smething. I'm not angry or wat but just disappointed. I'm one who dun have the mentality of "Aiya, nvm la. Just let it be la." I rather voice out than just keep quiet about it. As to whether the situation changes or nt, at least i did my part in sounding it out. Young or old, it doesn't matter as we still need ppl to keep us in check.

Well, decided to end abruptly. If i continue on, wonder how long tis post will be. I just wanna encourage all who have screened till tis part to always have a open mentality approach. Dun make urself a prune and frown off any possibilities. End of the day, think of the objectives you wanna achieve.

Note : Again, i have to emphasize that some might or might not agree with wat's being said but well, it's a personal perspective & you decide wat you believe in.

Kenneth T.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Brand New War Game : Opération FallOut [SG Version]...

Tired of playing games where AI seems forever stupid? Sick of clearing level after level and saying "No-kick"? Fret no more for the long awaited game is out - Opération FallOut. It will blast your brains out, literally.

Command an entire Battalion to fight your way to the top of the massive legendary command fortress, Mt Biang. Opération FallOut takes players to an entirely new dimension – troopers falling out halfway. Meet other online players and join with them in a desperate bid to form a actual battalion strong enough to conquer the legend. To do so, you’ll wield powerful new weapons, like the German Gas 3000, ChaoKeng Waves Disintegrator, and Att B Laser Beam, and deck yourself out in brand new outfits, like the Singlet-Half-Armour and even FBO-Heavy-Armour. Did i mentioned that your troopers might fall out halfway or even before the mission? Yes, tat's right! Equipped troopers might fall out halfway and the best thing is this, u will never know when they will fall out! Not convinced it's the best game? Let's look at some testimonies...

"I was skeptic about this game but once i logged in, i just can't stop! It's super duperly awesome & a definite must buy!" -PFC Ah Lim-

"Opération FallOut changed my life. Must-buy. Dun buy then really stupid." -1SG Lim Tok Gong-

"Definitely the best game. Never has graphic been so excellent & the game play so realistic. I mean, troops falling out even before the mission starts .. wow, tat caught me. Challenging and recommended for all commanders-to-be." -Passerby A-

Enough of introduction for you have seen those wonderful testimonies. So what are you waiting for? Opération FallOut is now available for only S$39.99 & if you order via online, we will throw in a FREE Att C status so you have time to explore the wonders of this game!! Hurry and order whilst stocks last!

Kenneth T.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Basic First Aid Course ...

Gonna conduct together with Jonathan, Johan & Ashton on basic first aid course for church. A very practical session with little theory. It's really good as it adds value to one's life and definitely important in any work place environment or wherever you might be.

Areas to be covered:
1. Introduction to First Aid
2. Choking
3. Fainting
4. Wounds & Bleedings
5. Burns
6. Bites & Stings
7. Poisons
8. Sprain & Fracture
9. First Aid Box
10. CPR

Objective : At the end of the course, you have a better understanding of first aid treatments and also on how to react in times of emergency. Imptly is that having these knowledge will actually help to save lives. Being licensed & etc is protocol but in times of emergency, it's up to whoever is at the scene to provide with basic first aid treatments. ^_^

Kenneth T.

The Nation Beckons ...

Fellow Cheong Sua Mates,

Just a summary for 2010's MINDEF Notification which we rec'd.

6th March '10 : Route March Training ( 0700hrs to 1700hrs )

20th March '10 : Route March Training ( 0700hrs to 1700hrs )

17th April '10 : Route March Training ( 0700hrs to 1700hrs )

9th May to 29th May '10 : Overseas ICT (Adv)

13th July to 27th July '10 : OPs Manning

Well, looks like SAF really loves our unit alot. Cya all then (hopefully).

Bros In Arms,
Kenneth T.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Brand New Start ...

Reflections : 2009.

Alot of things happened during 2009. Pressure was intense and the stress level sky high. When i look back at it, i was amazed at the faithfulness of God always being there for me & walking with me throughout my ups & downs. There are also certain individuals who have been such a blessing to me & I really appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. I believe that God is gonna bless them back not because they helped me but of them portraying the love of Christ. Too much things to say about 2009 but even as i am logging this into my blog, i decided to move on and let it go. ^^

2010 is here. I have set for myself resolutions which I wanna make sure i honor it. Not for man but for God. I believe this year is gonna be a very special year. I believe this year is gonna be a year of supernatural living. I believe this year is gonna be a year where God's presence, manifestations & habitation can be seen even more evidently. I dun bother about how people look at the economic but i know the riches of this land belongs to the body of Christ.

I wanna make a difference in my life & add value to it. To all who are looking at this blog, I encourage everyone of us to Re-focus if we have been distracted. Re-align if we have been deviated and last but not least, Re-surrender once again to our God who gave it all, Jesus.

Kenneth T.